Members Info
Meetings start at 7pm. Costs for demonstrations, for members, are as indicated on the programme. Cost for non-members is £5.
Changes to programme – 3 February is now a Show and Tell.
17 March was, inadvertently, not incorporated into the printed programme so February and March’s meetings will now be as below.

To see the entire year’s programme click here.
Exhibition rules
WSA Exhibition Rules
1. WSA Exhibitions are only open to fully paid-up members of the society. This is partly due to the fact that only our current members are covered by our third party insurance – a requisite of most galleries.
2. The insurance above does not cover theft or damage of artwork, and the society also cannot accept responsibility for this. In many cases Galleries do not accept responsibility either, unless the problem is due to their negligence, so individual members are advised to seek their own insurance if this is a concern to them.
3. Members are responsible for delivering and collecting their own entries to and from any exhibitions.
4. The Society usually charges a small hanging fee to cover the costs of hiring a venue, and to go towards any administration fees incurred.
5. The Society also charges a commission on any sales, while individual galleries will also take a percentage of sales. Full details are usually given on the submission form, which must be completed and signed, and presented when delivering your work.
6. For the Worcester Art Gallery Exhibition we ask that all entries have NOT been exhibited there before. This is a prestigious event and the highlight of the club year. As such we want this exhibition to present the club in its very best light to our audience.
7. For other exhibitions we will not enforce this rule, but would still like to see as much new work as possible.
8. Again, at the Art Gallery, we do not want exhibits to be prints that are reproductions of your original paintings.
However, where the print is the work of art itself, such as a computer generated graphics or a silk screen prints, this is perfectly acceptable.
9. Prints are however acceptable at other exhibitions, but they must be clearly marked as such if they are merely copies of your originals.
10. All entries should be presented and framed to an acceptable level, and the club reserve the right to turn down shoddy framing. This is not meant to imply that you need to spend a fortune – simple, plain and clean is perfectly acceptable. Please make sure you know the specific fixing requirements for each individual gallery.
11. The rules for hanging at the Art Gallery are very specific so please make sure you comply with this.
12. We set a maximum width or height limit of 60cm x 60cm, including the frame. However, providing permission is sought, and both the gallery and the club agree, this condition may be waived. This would come with a proviso that, if the venue ran out of space, the oversize entry would be the first to be excluded.
13. The club do not usually operate a selection system for exhibitions. However, in exceptional circumstances, paintings can be rejected by either the club or the gallery. In rare cases an excessive number of entries may force us to cut down the number by selection.
14. Only original artwork can be accepted for exhibitions. Copies of other artists’ work including work from online and other tutorials will not be accepted.
15. If your painting is from a photograph taken by a third party, permission must be obtained and presented to the committee.
16. The website contains a separate document relating to copyright which gives further advice.
17. No accepted work may be removed or sold privately before the end of the exhibition.
18. Any specific requirements for the way exhibits are to be displayed must be raised by the artist with the Committee beforehand.
19. By submitting your work you agree to image reproductions, with proper acknowledgement, to be used in relevant advertising, and on websites, by the venue or the club.
20. There may occasionally be opportunities to sell other merchandise at exhibitions. This will vary in each case so further guidance will be issued about this at the time.
21. Specific rules may apply to each individual Venue / Exhibition which will be issued at the time.
Note: Hopefully these rules are merely common sense, and are designed to ensure we have successful and stress free exhibitions. They are not meant to take advantage of, or inconvenience any member, but if you feel any rule is unfair please discuss the matter with a committee member.